Do you know the users who contact you on free sites? We will show you now.
How do you know if a person/company you have contacted on a free message board is genuine? You might think you've found a good company to start working together, but it's not true. A big chance that this person is from Africa. Not all people from Africa have anything valued to offer, but many are wasting your time. Moreover, they use Windows XP. Can you imagine a broker who works in the oil business uses a stale computer? Do you think this person has a valued offer for you?
We sorted out the countries who still use Windows XP.
Let's explore these visitors. As you know, anyone is free to browse our website, but not to publish a listing nor to contact other companies. The same people are browsing the other websites and publish their listings once they are allowed to publish for free. We want to show you the stats sorted by country. Would you like to start a serious business with these people? No! That's why we want to show you some backstage. - Registered Users
You can see the list of our registered users sorted by country. You will be dealing with the better companies in the industry. Others are screened out and you will not contact them. We are helping you to save your time. We've screened out the crowd for you. Deal with better companies on our website.
We pick out the best oil traders from the web as jewels from the sea.
Together we can change the world of global online trade. It is so messed up these days! Join us now or keep doing this as a hobby!